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Any update on MGM? ...can we buy @ 12?
ReplyDeleteMGM is currently at its support level near $11.50. For the moment MGM is still a WAIT, if it falls below $11.50, it's a SELL and it could then fall back as low as $9.00-$9.50. MGM will only be a buy when it manages to close above $14.00, and stay above this level for two consecutive days to have a confirmation. I will try to post this update with the chart of MGM, later tonight. I think we are starting to see signs of this never coming correction, or simply going through a healthy pullback; It's too early to say though.
ReplyDeleteNever coming correction - agree with you. Looks like the sentiments are 50/50 meaning everytime we feel its time for a correction, it pulls back up..very unpredictable indeed. Would you please post your anlaysis on DOW too so that we can guestimate on where we are heading.
Yes I'll make sure to post something about the Dow Jones, where are we now and where could we be heading next. To be honest with you, although I'm long BAC & AAPL, I would like to be all in cash right now, and wait to see where the market is really heading.