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ReplyDeleteI have AIB and IRE....
I am still in positive but taking again 4-5% down an I will be in negative...
do you have any suggestion to wait and hold or sell them in the next coming days?
many thanks
Although I would usually set a -8.00% stop loss order until I achieve a return of +8.00% or more, I think in this situation I would sell these 2 stocks and take the small gains that I still have. I'm assuming you got in around the break out levels and that's why you are still up. Both stocks have broken back down their 50 day MA and look bearish, and therefore I would rather sell now, and wait for the next BUY SIGNAL.
ReplyDeleteAnother thing you can try is setting a stop loss order that would make you exit with a 0.00% return. Under this scenario, you are giving yourself the chance of potentially making a bigger gain assuming the trend reverses back while not taking the risk of losing any money.
I think you should wait to see what happens at the open tomorrow. If the stocks are up, hold on, if they start falling again just sell before these small gains turn into losses.