MGM will be reporting its earnings report before the bell this upcoming Monday, and the question is: how will the street react? Will MGM pop or drop? If we analyze the charts alone, MGM's trend and chance of popping up tomorrow are relatively good. Despite the recent pullback over the last month, MGM has remained strong above its 50 day MA for the past 5 months. MGM has jumped back above its slowly trending down 20 day MA which is about to coincide with its up trending 50 day MA. Based on the last 5 months, I expect MGM bounce upwards tomorrow after the earnings report as I expect the strength of the 50 day MA to prevail over the 20 day MA. We never know for sure what to expect from earnings report but these reports are critical point in every stock's trend. If MGM strongly beats expectations, we could finally see it trade north of $17.00 which would trigger a STRONG BUY SIGNAL, at which time MGM would coincidentally finally break out of its weekly ascending triangle pattern for which I wrote about on January 9th, for which I set an eventual price target of approximately $31.00. MGM could however also disappoint while having a positive outlook on the future for which we could see modest gains from MGM. If MGM fails to meet expectations, MGM would have the potential to break its 50 day MA and go as low as $13.00 to $12.30.
Stock Trading Predictions & Technical Analysis
Sunday, February 13, 2011
MGM - Will It Pop or Drop After Earnings Report?
MGM will be reporting its earnings report before the bell this upcoming Monday, and the question is: how will the street react? Will MGM pop or drop? If we analyze the charts alone, MGM's trend and chance of popping up tomorrow are relatively good. Despite the recent pullback over the last month, MGM has remained strong above its 50 day MA for the past 5 months. MGM has jumped back above its slowly trending down 20 day MA which is about to coincide with its up trending 50 day MA. Based on the last 5 months, I expect MGM bounce upwards tomorrow after the earnings report as I expect the strength of the 50 day MA to prevail over the 20 day MA. We never know for sure what to expect from earnings report but these reports are critical point in every stock's trend. If MGM strongly beats expectations, we could finally see it trade north of $17.00 which would trigger a STRONG BUY SIGNAL, at which time MGM would coincidentally finally break out of its weekly ascending triangle pattern for which I wrote about on January 9th, for which I set an eventual price target of approximately $31.00. MGM could however also disappoint while having a positive outlook on the future for which we could see modest gains from MGM. If MGM fails to meet expectations, MGM would have the potential to break its 50 day MA and go as low as $13.00 to $12.30.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
MGM - Trending Down or Healthy Pullack?
Unfortunately for MGM, despite hitting a new 52 week high, the move was not strong enough to have a clear breakout over the resistance level. Some stocks will some time manage to move a little higher but the volume is not there to support the move and as a result it retreats. For bow MGM is still in an up trend but one that has slowed down since it has now broken its 20 day MA. Keep in mind that MGM has moved up nearly +90% in just 4 and a half month from around $9.00 to nearly $17.00, so a pullback is not necessarily a bad thing. MGM being a high beta stock can have sharp declines despite still trending up like now. MGM's next major support level is at $14.00 at the 50 day MA for which MGM has been trending over since the beginning of this up trend in September. For now MGM is a SELL until we hopefully see a bounce back at the next support level which would be around $14.00. For now I believe that the market is experiencing a short term healthy pullback. I think MGM will fly high only once we get a clear break out over $17.00 in one day with heavy volume with a major price move. MGM seems now to have too much resistance around the 52 week high to just manage to move slowly above it. If MGM does break its 50 day MA, it will have broken its up trend and could go as low as $12.00-$12.30 around the 200 day MA. The long term trend now seems to continue to indicate that MGM is in a long term sideways trend until it clearly breaks heavily above $17.00. MGM has been trending in a long term side ways trend since May 2009 between around $9.00 and $17.00, with the range tightening in the last year between more towards $12.00 and $17.00. Despite this trend, MGM being a high beta stock with a lot of volatility had a lot of opportunities arising to make heavy gains. My stop loss order of MGM got obviously triggered a couple days ago and I still manage to exit my position with a nearly +20% gain. For now I am waiting to see a bounce back hopefully at $14.00 with a short term target around $17.00 which could hopefully turn into something more if it breaks this heavy resistance level. Keep in mind that MGM has strong support at $13.75-14.00 and a bounce back around this level would be an interesting and potentially good new entry point. MGM does also have minor support at $14.50 and $15.00 which I don't think will hold. Keep in mind that when MGM does give us a sign of a bottom it will most likely touch or fall below one of its major support levels before it bounces back up on the same day; this is a sign to look for. However, it is usually best to wait until the next day to see if MGM does in fact close higher before entering into a new position. For now I still like MGM a lot as a trading stock rather than a long term investment. It is much more profitable to enter and exit those short term trends, that is until it breaks heavily above $17.00. My previous MGM analysis and prediction stands, it only seems that we will have to be more patient before the break out occurs. MGM is still a stock that trades heavily based on technical and therefore makes it easier to catch trends. But we have to accept that we will not always be right. But I don't mind being wrong while still cashing in gains. That is why setting stop losses is extremely important, because you never know when the stock will start pulling back, and you want to be able to cash in at least part of what you've earned. In my case, for now, I will not sacrifice more than -8%. Even if I might get whipsawed at times, I believe that in the long term this strategy is beneficial. Ideally you want to have your stop losses to be set below major resistance level by if possibly up to -3% to -5% while not losing more than -8%; however this is easier said than done.
Friday, January 14, 2011
The Trader's Evolution - 11 - The Unfeasible Dream
11 – The Unfeasible Dream
When you start trading, probably dreaming of becoming an overnight millionaire you are often led to hunt for very speculative penny stocks you hope to one day see jump +1000% or more in one day. When you start out trading, be assured that you will be probably doing your first mistake on your first trade. Keep in mind that most traders don’t start making money after starting their 3rd year. A lot of people will do the mistake of not looking for the right brokerage firm and pay very expensive commissions unnecessarily. Most new traders will start with very little capital as they can either not afford to invest more or are simply scared of losing too much money. Let’s set the record straight, you are most likely going to lose whatever money you decide to initially invest.
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